Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences Audio/Visual Simulation IDIQ Contract Specifications:

Contract Number: #HU0001-15-D-E094
Contract Ceiling: $51,000,000
Minimum Order: $500.00
Contract Length: May 2015 to May 2020 (5 years)
age Code: 3BGB4

The Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) AV/SIM MATOC is an IDIQ contract that can be used by the USU and any other Federal Agency to procure and acquire Audio/Visual and multi-media Simulation (AV/SIM) solutions such as:

  • Support Infrastructure
  • Deliverables (Supplies)
  • Systems Integration
  • Design and Installation / Removal
  • AV Equipment and Rental
  • Technical Support and Training
  • Maintenance and Warranty
  • Training

* There are 17 Contractors listed under the USUHS AV/SIM Contract. This contract satisfies Full and Open Competition requirements outlined in FAR Subpart 6.1.

Ordering for non-USU agencies

To initiate a request to utilize the AV/SIM MATOC, Strategic Communications will assist Contracting Officers in preparing a request for task order proposal (RFTOP), which includes the following information:

  • Description of work to be completed and supplies to be delivered
  • A copy of a funded requisition or statement from budget office that funding is available
  • Evaluation factors that will be used for evaluating proposals received, which includes a statement regarding the importance of price, when compared to the other factors
  • An independent cost estimate
  • Instructions on proposal submission
  • Statement whether single or multiple awards are possible
  • Type of pricing requested (FFP, T&M, LH)
  • Delivery Instructions
  • All clearances/approvals required
  1. Agency’s Contract Specialist or a Contracting Officer (CO) sends Request For Information (RFI) or Market Research Request to Strategic Communications.
  2. Strategic will submit any questions/clarifications and their proposals to the Agency’s POC.
  3. Strategic will assist the Agency’s CO in preparing a Request for Task Order Proposal (RFTOP) and provide contact information of the AV and Simulation Supplies and Services Contract Specialist to Agency CO.
  4. The task order, at a minimum, must include all information outlined in FAR 16.505(a)(7).
  5. Agency’s Contracting Officer will submit RFTOP to AV and Simulation Supplies and Services Contract Specialist.
  6. AV and Simulation Supplies and Services Contract Specialist will provide Agency’s CO a Task Order Number.
  7. Agency’s CO will create the Task Order in their contract writing system, using the Contract Number and Task Order Number provided by AV and Simulation Supplies and Services Contract Specialist.
  8. Agency’s CO will submit a signed Task Order and Rationale for selection to AV and Simulation Supplies and Services Contract Specialist for coordination. A contracting officer from USU will review the documents and co-sign the task order.
  9. If a modification is needed, a request for modification will be forwarded to the administering contract specialist at USU and follow the guidance above.

To view and/or download this process in a PDF form click here

Benefits of utilizing the USUHS AV/SIM contract

Federal agencies outside of the USU can take advantage of a number of benefits when procuring Audio/Visual solutions through the USU AV/SIM MATOC. These benefits include:

Vetted contractors with proven past performance
Satisfies Full and Open Competition Requirements
No administrative fees
Streamlined procurement and delivery of A/V solutions
Guaranteed training and technical support

For more information regarding the USUHS AV/SIM Contract please contact our VAR team at sales@yourstrategic.com or call 877-379-3470